Gigs Gigs Gigs
As I look back at all the footage gathered from these videos, now I know the ease that comes when I strap on my guitar and play has not come by accident, nor has it come overnight. I sat down and counted the roughly 80 shows I’ve performed this year, and over 100 in 2018, and realized that the “sleep, eat, shower, sing, repeat” routine has been the name of the game. It’s an interesting life, this path I chose. Wearing all that hats that we indie artists do, everything from negotiating contracts and releasing new music, to writing this blog post.
When I first started this path in 2014, what I said I wanted was to make a living doing music. I am absolutely doing that now. And I’m learning that the power of manifestation is huge. These days, almost every thought becomes reality in a matter of days…sometimes minutes, like when I ask for that parking spot near the door to unload my gear! ;) Now what I do is write all my dreams down, no matter how “outlandishly crazy” or out of reach I think they are. My coach Sumiko Sprinkle in Nashville says, “Just write it down, what can it hurt…it’s just a dream.” And so I do. I also write down the “proofs” every week of what has happened that is in line with what I said I want. “Red Nike Huaraches, a new home, T Bone Burnett is my producer, a grammy winning album…” Ok, not everything has been checked off the list yet, but like a turtle with sore legs, I slowly keep crawling. And I’m doing it! I’m doing it everyday. Truthfully, this short video is one of my proofs of that, indeed.
So here is to living the lives we all want to live. And going for what we truly want. If I can inch forward than I know you can too. This year especially I’ve been learning to love myself the most and take credit for “all the things”. Most importantly, to allow myself to be seen and heard by you.
Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your journeys. Here’s to the most awesome of futures for all of us.
<3 Jenny
Video by Seth Beamer